Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Something Seedy/Mamma Chia soft drink

For some time, Mario and I have given quizzical looks to the Mamma Chia seed-infused beverage. This fruity drink is chock-full of tiny chia seeds, which firmly keep their place, even when you tilt the bottle. Observe:

Bottles in hand, Mario asked the classic question: "What's the worst that could happen?" Obviously the worst that could happen is the seeds take root and we have to mow our lower intestines. But that seemed unlikely.

And so we drank. The drink is certainly refreshing. The agave sweetener is light, and I liked the mild tartness in my cherry-lime sample. But the conglomeration of seeds cannot be overlooked. They go down bumpy like tapioca, or strawberry jam. It's like a hippie nutritionist wanted to make a new soda, but without the aggressive carbonation of Coke.

On an aside, I haven't yet come to terms with the label. I'm in a part of Northern California where Goddess imagery is common in advertising. This usually consists of an abstract nude woman in chalk or charcoal, with wavy, unkempt hair and spirals on her boobs. The Goddess is funky and chunky. This girl is slim and C-cupped, like Commune Barbie. I understand that the image is meant for me to reflect on my own health, but it still looks like the mudflaps on a biodiesel-burning Subaru.

Mamma Chia looks weird, tastes good, and feels weird. It has healthy stuff, but there are cheaper, more accessible sources of fiber and omega-3. It's worth a try, but in the future if I want to drink something seedy, I'll probably just stick with bourbon.

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