Breakfast: poached eggs with sea salt and black pepper over baby spinach, whole-wheat toast with butter and Bear Foot creamed chai honey, paired with black coffee.
Since visiting the Santa Rosa Harvest Fair '09 I've had a special love for chai-infused honey. Bear Foot's was not my first, but it's worth close attention. Observe:
Bear Foot's creamed chai honey is a delightful blend of sweet and spices for those who love cinnamon toast, but would be interested in taking things to the next level.
On the whole, the company's operation is pretty remarkable. Everything is delicious, but their devotion to unique, artisan honey is the essence of Low-Hanging Fruit. For Christmas, I gave jars of their Raw Knap Fire and Raw Mint-Thistle honeys. I would have given the chai, but it was sold out in even the smallest of quantities. These two honeys are beautiful freaks of nature. They are born of wildfire, and the serendipitous consummation of otherwise strange pollens. They literally will never be tasted again in quite the same way.
I have a bad habit of saving things and never using them. I used to horde Halloween candy until it spoiled. I've saved honey until it turned to crystal. The lesson I can learn from Bear Foot honey is that if something goes unused, it loses whatever wonderful potential it had. You have to break the jar's seal to enjoy its contents, and even if something you love is, by its nature, limited, something else will surely come along. Enjoy life's fruits while they're ripe, and more will come in time.
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